Monday, 21 May 2012

Lego Hero Factory MOC: Assassin Droid

Here we have, with the Assassin Droid:

And its back view:

If yuo can see fron the below picture, I have "messed up" its leg a little. It is not "correctly" jointed together.

I wanted to do this because I feel that making MOCs with the same skeleton structure is quite boring, so I made things here a bit more interesting.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my MOC. Tune in for more MOCs!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

The Hand (Version 3)

Besides working with my castle MOC, I have also built a The Hand version three. This time, it features five fingers and it resembles more like a hand:

I know from  this angle it looks weird, but at least it has five fingers and decent looks.
So I hope you have enjoyed this MOC and I'll be doing more stuff on Marco Fett.

Lego: Castle MOC

Brought To You by LegoClassicBionicle, my Youtube account. This video is about the castle MOC I promised to build for you guys.

Good news, fans!
My mid-year exams are finally over!
This would mean that I would have more spare time to make MOCs and post it on my blog, as well as upload videos into my YouTube account.